Well it's been a while since I've done a post so thought I'd start getting back in to the habit of posting again. Things have been a bit hectic recently.
Today I had a ride on Vettie, I've been riding Gatsby again more recently but I always enjoy being able to get on Vettie as well. I didn't have the worlds best ride today because I was getting pain all down my left side and I spent the majority of the lesson trying to get my left leg to actually work, as I was trying to move it and it just wasn't moving which was frustrating to say the least.
I got some really nice shoulder in transitions though, I even managed to get Vettie on to four tracks instead of three tracks. We did some leg yield as well and where the was some times where he ignored me when I got him to do it he did manage to really cross over. Which felt great. We didn't do any trot work as I just hadn't got the strength in my left side to do it and the more that I rode the more that my left side started to hurt.
I also got some really consistent walk work which was lovely. There was times when I managed to get him to drop in to an outline really nicely. When I managed to get everything in just the right position it felt lovely and so easy to do. It was just managing to keep everything in place Slowly things are starting to fall in to place with my riding but they just aren't there yet.
Until Next Time
A Girl With A Dream
I have to say it has been fun watching you mature as a rider. You have come so far in the last year.