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62. Major catch up time!

Well I think that I am on the right day of the year but a combination of major tooth ache and just being in quite a lot of pain/sleepy means that my brain really isn't with it today. But here's my catch up for all you lovely readers. Oh and I might even share some super cute photographs with you guys too, but you'll just have to carry on reading to see. 

23rd February - Jack passed his driving test, I'd been nervous and on edge all day but knew that he'd be able to do it! He tried coming back and doing the whole 'I failed' then telling me the truth scenario, but I ran up to the car and caught him off guard so he had no choice but to admit to me that he had passed! That night we went out for a drive and to see a few friends that we hadn't really seen since I had lost my licence. 

24th February - Today was a HORRIBLE day, the first part of it was okay we were just chilling with Jack's older brother Josh, we'd gone to see Magic (who always makes me to smile) especially when his head is already hanging there waiting to see me. I then had an MRCP (basically just an MRI but of my chest and stomach) and then spontaneously booked a night away in Norfolk, well Josh and his friend Kim ended up coming with us and it ended up being a really good time. However this night was a nightmare as for the first time in a long time I decided to have a drink but as you can all imagine, this did not go down to well because of the fact that I'm on lots of strong pain killers and it gets to a certain point in the night where I hit a brick wall and just can't remember what happened. 

25th February - Woken up at 8am and I was absolutely hanging, this was definitely the worst hangover that I had ever had! I did NOT enjoy this morning. We then decided (After I had made sure there was someone to look after Magic) to stay for a second night, so we spent the day chilling in the pool and spa area, and then played a few games of pool as well. We watched films in the evening and took a walk along the beach as the sun was setting. It was a really good chilled out and relaxed day and it was so much better than I had expected it to be. Jack and I ended up having quite an early morning but it was nice to just chill be the beach and watch the sea. 

26th February - Today we came home and I was hoping to see the pony but unfortunately it took a lot longer to come back than I thought it was going to, lets just say that my sat navigation skills weren't quite as good as I thought that they were going to be. By the time we did get back there was like world war 3 in Derby, I'm not going to get in to what happened because it is to do with Jack and his family and I do not feel like it would be fair for me to share this with you guys, no disrespect to you it's just not my place and not my story to tell. 

27th February - FINALLY got to see Magic, I went up at about lunch time to muck out his stable and get his feed ready for the night time and the next day. I was really hoping to see him standing in the field but, just my luck he was no where to be seen at all. I then got to see him that evening where I gave him the biggest groom ever, and made sure that he felt happy. His leg was looking loads better from where he had been kicked and he didn't seem to be too sensitive in any particular areas. He looked sleepy but he also looked really happy to see me.  I should have had a riding lesson today but due to ill health it didn't happen. 

28th February - Today wasn't such a good day, I had the same routine with magic during the day but had not the worlds best end to the day. Unfortunately for a week or so I have been having fainting spells but had no idea why. The next thing that I know was I went for a walk to a shop that night, and got part way and just hit the floor, I was out cold for a few minutes and a really nice couple found me and rang Jack and then rang 999. They took me to hospital and said that my blood sugars were low and that I just needed to eat sugary food, but they were going to do blood tests etc. However I looked at how busy the hospital was and decided that I had had enough and wasn't staying so discharged myself. 

29th February - I went to the doctors and spoke to my doctors about everything that was going on. She explained that in her opinion the fainting was due to a mixture of me not eating a lot but still drinking sugary drinks. So that every now and then I'd drink an energy drink my blood sugars would spike but then when this had worn off my blood sugars would drop twice as low. She's told me to stick with taking the antibiotics and given me an appointment back in three weeks. 

1st March - The first day of spring and finally the day that we are actually on! Wow it's taken me a while to type this but I've tried to be as brief as possible so as to not bore you all! This morning I woke up quite late, as Magic is now in a routine of going out with the herd, Lynn lets him out in the morning with hers. Then I go out at lunch time and muck his stable out, so I was expecting him to be out today however he wasn't so that meant that I got to see his cute little face within an hour of being awake! I did his stable and made sure that his bed was all comfy and then decided to give him a good groom and I mean a really thorough groom! He seemed to really enjoy it and it got rid of the bits of fur that you could see where starting to shed. I then went to see my sister for a little bit before going back to sort Magic at tea time. Again I bought him out of his stable and just gave him a really really good groom. Titch (one of jack and I's friends) came to meet Magic and said she was amazed at how big he was! I gave him lots of fuss and attention and she said that she could obviously see that Magic really is a 'mummy's boy' her exact words, as he was giving me kisses and lots of love. He's such a sweet boy. I then put his feed bucket back in before putting him in so his food was already there. I then took Magic in, now this routine he seems to like much more but he isn't the worlds biggest fan of letting his head collar off. However we are working on him shaking his head when he gets his head collar taken off as he's still a bit fussy about this but I'm sure with time he'll be fine. We then did a quick point and over with the parelli stick and then a few second friendly game before letting him just get on with eating. 

So that's you guys all caught up, I was going to add some pictures but I'm in to much pain with my tooth and I am far to tired so for now i'm off to sleep. 

Until Next Time 
Amber and Magic 


  1. Yikes!! Please don't drink the energy drinks! They are really bad for you and only make insomnia worse so it just turns into a vicious cycle. I try to avoid caffeine at all costs because it just jacks me up so much. I hope that's all the fainting was about and that you haven't had that happen again. :( I hope the tooth is better too. Teeth are one of the worst pains I think.

    I'm glad Magic is doing so well. He's going to be a completely different horse now that he's out all day. :)


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A Girl With A Dream

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