Today Magic is 6 months old, and I was a nice horse owner and got him a present although at the moment I don't think that he really appreciates it. I've bought him a Dually Halter. Up until Bonfire night I was able to lead Magic everywhere, everywhere I went he came, he walked around the stable nicely, he was polite, he'd walk in the school, to the school and to the field, however since he got spooked on Bonfire night this has not been the case. He's started to only walk where he wants to walk to, until today. Today was the first day that he wore his new Red Monty Roberts Dually Head Collar and the difference in just one time of wearing it was amazing. He only had two stupid moments and calmed down quickly after both of them My little monster out in the field munching on Hay, this is one of the first few times that he went out in the field. I took him for a walk again tonight using his new head collar and the change in him is amazing! He leads so much better, he s...