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Showing posts from January, 2016

22. Radio silence

Okay guys sorry for the silence over the past few days unfortunately I haven't been in the world's best place. On Monday and Tuesday I was in hospital all day, they put me on morphine and monitored me to try and get the pain under control. They managed to do this while I was there but then once I came home I was back to being in agony again. Unfortunately they also couldn't figure out what was actually wrong with me, but I have got lots of hospital appointments coming up so hope fully they will give me an answer soon. I'm also seeing my doctors about mental health issues, they've put me on slow release morphine and Diazepam. I promise to start updating again soon :). Until next time Amber and Magic

17. Fun in the snow photo post

I'm not feeling like writing a lot today so ive decided to just post lots of photos of magic in the snow for the first time. Until Next time Amber and Magic My boy is definitely not camera shy.  Again you will be able to see that Magic is going very bum high at the minute, I haven't measured him in a few days so I'll do that tomorrow.  Silly faces magics first time playing in the snow Jack says this reminds him of the Lloyd's advert Kisses with my babyyyyy He follows me like a sheep Running to see me One of my favourites.  My boy is very photogenic and loves the camera, I want this photo on a canvas or my phone case

16. Victorious

Today has been a wicked day, I did not get to ride because my riding teacher was not very well but I did go on a long walk with magic. We walked from my stables to my house and back to the yard again.  In total it took one hour and 20 minutes, and it was a total of nearly four miles but it was so much fun. This is the first long distance walk that my boy has done and he was amazing.  He only spooked twice, and neither time was his fault both times it was because of idiotic drivers that decided to do 60 and 70 miles per hour past him and to say that pissed me off was an under statement. I've also lost 4 pounds since Thursday and  honestly I do not think that I could have done that without my fitbit tracker and app. It has been such a great motivation and today I have managed to get all my sections that I need in the green in the green. For years on and off I've tried different diets and different weight loss tablets, well this year I decided to just focus on myself, change...

15. In hand work and weight loss progress

Hiya everyone, Well today has been a slightly better day. Although I can safely say that I am aching like mad now!! I spent the morning in bed with my man, I just felt like for whatever reason I needed to get some sleep. Then when I did wake up I spent a while reading my slimming world magazine, I also made a start on finishing the rug I'm making for magic I've got one more bit to do tomorrow and then it will be finished. Then while jack went for his driving lesson. I went to see magic. When I got there he was lying down and didn't really want to get up but eventually he did do. I put his head collar on and we went up to the school. I was a little bit apprehensive as to how he was going to be in the school because obviously we did not end on a good note. But he was amazing, if anything he was a little bit subdued and quiet today. He walked next to my shoulder perfectly, other than when he tripped he didn't put a foot wrong. I then asked him to trot and while he was ...

14. Not such a good day.

I'm exhausted so I'm going to warn you now that today has not been such a good day. I had good news from the hospital this afternoon after my tests for Addison disease last week the results have come back clear and they know that is not the problem. However I am now being sent for Mri scans on my bile duct and gallbladder, mainly to see if there are any stones or anything like that but just to rule things out as well. I also explained about my sleep pattern at the minute and they said that they think that I could be getting something called sleep apnea, I've never heard of it before so I'll have to do some research on it in the future but basically by the sounds of it, it is when your airways narrow when your asleep and basically you stop breathing when your asleep. I then wake myself up because I know something isn't right and this is what is causing (possibly anyway) my messed up sleep pattern. So at some point I while be going to see a consultant that just specia...

13. Fitness motivation

Mum did magic this morning which gave me the opportunity to catch up on some of the sleep that I've been missing out on at night time at the moment. We all then went up to Magic at lunch time, and he was lying in his stable fast asleep, he really didn't want to move but eventually he decided that he would get his lazy bum up off the stable floor and get some work done. Before he went out in the field I took him for a walk around the school, since I've got this new fitbit tracker I've been trying to keep on moving more so that I can lose more weight this is the 2nd proper dry of using it and I am loving it. I have also learnt that you actually burn weight when you aren't really doing anything, but back to the point we walked around the school doing little bits of trot work in hand,but mainly walking in hand and going through puddles. I then walked him down to his field and put him out for the reSt of the afternoon. Later on I will go back and bring him in and then I ...

12. Just a quick drop in

Today's post is only going to be a quick one as I am feeling quite tired and to be honest do not have the motivation levels to right something long and really detailed. Magic is doing really well he was out in the field all day today and then bought in tonight. When I bought him in I walked him around the school for a bit just to get him used to being lead, we did a little bit of trotting but mainly walk work. We also did a little bit of work on getting magic to go through puddles and we will be doing more tomorrow.   As for me I got my new toy today so tomorrow I might write a review on it. Or I might wait until I have had it for a while and got a better feel for it. So far though I really like it, I love how all the information is on the fitbit app and that I am able to check it as I go along. I also like that it really does monitor your sleep and it appears to be very accurate. Until next time Amber AND MAGIC

11. Motivation goals, health and horsey calmness.

Today has been a long day and it is safe to say that I am knackered now. I ended up at my walk-in doctors this morning for theme to basically tell me to go back on sleeping pills as the paramedic felt that I am getting the the point of becoming an insomniac and that I am suffering with depression and anxiety/panic attacks. This is something that I have not dealt with before so I'm not actually sure how I'll deal with it really.  This morning my mum put Magics food in. Mum, Jack and I then went back to let magic out about 9.30 this morning, he had all four feet picked up and then walked to his field. Now the past two times that I habe let magic out he's been a pain for some reason when I walk him out to the field he gets half way there and then starts spinning around, running and just being a general idiot. I'm not sure what is causing it or why he is doing it but I am sure that I will figure it out soon. This afternoon jack and I had to help his brother do a few jobs ...

10. Walks out, dogs and relaxing.

Hi everyone, I decided that I would start off writing this blog test while Im curled up in bed before sorting magic out later on today. At the minute I'm curled up with Angel, while the boyfriend chills on the playstation. To say he's obsessed with GTA I think is an understatement. My gorgeous little puppy dog curled up in bed with me, Angel says she's a tired girly.  This morning Jack and I woke up really early, for once we were awake before even my mum was up and that never normally happens. We stayed in bed watching TV until everyone was up and then it was time to go do magic and he was such a good boy. As I am still in extreme amounts of pain mum said that she would start mucking out magics stable, she put his head collar on and he was a very good boy for it. Then jack and I took magic for a walk.  We only went out for about 25 minutes but he was really good, he looked at a few of the scary things but he was calm and relaxed the whole way again. At one point he ...

9. Not quite as planned.

Today hasnt quite gone as I planned that it would do, i woke up at 10 to 8 this morning sobbing, in agony and completely unable to move. I quickly woke jack up, and he helped me to get to the bathroom and move around until he had to go to work. Unfortunately due to the amount of pain that I was in it meant that I was unable to ride today. I spoke to my riding teacher and she said there was no point in my riding because of the fact that I had got hardly any balance.  However she thought that it would be a good idea for me to go up and brush gatsby before a small amount of time so I DID get Gatsby cuddles. Still one of my favourite horses, to be honest I think this boy will always hold a special place in my heart I love him so much.  After doing this I went to see Magic and ended up completely knackering myself. I got there at one and knew I had an hour before someone was coming to view one of the horses on the yard and I'd agreed magic would be in his stable while this pro...

8. Tidying up and chilled days

Today has been a good day it has been long but good and to be honest with you I haven't really done a lot. This morning magic got fed and then left for a little bit to eat his food. I then went back later on and turned him out in to his field this was after he was a really good boy and picked up all four of his feet with out having to be bribed and blackmailed. He let me clean them out and then spray on firstly a spray that helps to repair damaged feet and then a spray of pig oil that the vet suggested to use to repel some of the mud and protect his feet a little bit when he is out in the field. I also gave him a good groom but tomorrow I think that he is going to have his legs properly cleaned as he is in all weekend and I like having a pretty looking pony. I then went home and did the jobs that I needed to do for example, cleaning out my wardrobe of clothes that I do not wear and sorting through books that I have already read and then getting rid of them. I then just generally ...

7. Vets, hospitals and relaxation

Well I'm currently sat in the back of the car on the way to hospital, my mum quickly put Magics food in this morning and now we're on the way to have my test done to see whether I have Addison Disease or not I can't say I'm particularly looking forward to it seen as I hate needles and this whole test is about having needles put in me, to say I'm dreading it is an understatement especially when I have hardly slept all night and I am in quite a bit of pain. However I thought I would use this time to update you all on my experiences of a certain vets in Derbyshire. You'll all know that I had to get another vet out to sort out magic after they came out well on Monday i took in the insurance claim form and asked them to fill it in, while at the same time booking Magic in for l his 2nd set of injections. I explained that id be paying with cash and that I knew his vet bills has not been paid, I was waiting for an email off my insurance company. Yesterday I recieved a p...

6. Bandage no more?

Hiya y'all, Well so far I am managing to keep my blog up-to-date while I know it is only 6 days Im glad I am managing to take the time out of each day to post something. Which reminds me have I told you all about my new money making scheme, I saw it on Facebook. You get an old jar, you can decorate it if you want to, and for each day of the year you put a penny in for that day e.g. day 1 is 1 penny, day 2 is 2 and so on until day 365 is £3.65. By doing this by the end of the year you can make roughly £670, that's why there is a number in my blog post. As I plan to post everyday again I decided putting the day of the year on would help me know what I needed to save. On to Magic, he's doing really well and hopefully today will be the last day that his foot is bandaged. I gave him his food this morning and threw him out in the field. After getting some advice from Donna the yard owner she recommemed leaving his foot wrapped up until I bring him in then cleaning it up and l...

5. Playful ponies and pictures.

Well it is just me again. Magic went out in the field all day today. When I got there this morning I was greeted with my boy saying hello and his head hanging out of the door. I did his foot and gave him some fuss before it was time for him to go out. Now normally magic is really good to go out, but the past twice he walks as if he wants to go out and then stop and just refuses to move. I have no idea why he does this but one thing I do not let him do is win. He's starting to try and push his look now and that is the lastr thing that I want to let him do. I changed his foot again this morning and he was great for that he stood nicely and calmly and just generally chilled out. Tonight I went to bring him in as he is a out all day and then in at night. He let me catch him first time and as soon as he saw or more heard me he came up to me. He's turning in to a very clever horse all though he gets impatient because he knows when he comes in that it is food time. He let me wash hi...

4. Just a quickie until later

Well I forgot to post something on day four so you lucky followers will have 2 new posts today. Magic was really good yesterday, I put him out in the morning with the intention that he'd be out all day but it would appear the weather had other plans and magic came in at lunch time. He was very good for her and did exactly what he was told. In my opinion him letting my mum do that will do him some good because it means he's letting other people interact with him instead of just 100% relaying on me while I do not mind this, it will be better for him just invade there is a day when I'm poorly and I'm unable to do him.  His foot is looking a lot better and he really is happier or he appears happier to be walking on it. He's also much happier and calmer now that he's getting more turnout time. When I got there last night he was in his stable just enjoying talking to the foal in the stable next to him. I bought him out picked all four of his feet up, and redresse...

3. Hope, resolutions and a healthier Magic

Today is the 3rd of January and I'm sure that it's my third post of the year. I don't tend to make new years resolutions but this year I have made three, well I wouldn't call them resolutions but more goals to help me improve as a person. So below you will find my goals and how I plan on achieving them.  Lose weight\get fitter. I think that this is fairly self explanatory unfortunately when I get stressed I tend too either comfort eat or binge eat. Ill just start to be happy with my weight and then I'll get a snack attack. I also want to be healthier for Magic if I plan on doing in hand shows with him them I know I need to be more in shape than I am at the moment and just have better general health.  Snap less. Again this is a stress related when I get stressed or in pain I snap and take it out on people I care about, it needs to stop. This also means more patience another thing to help with magic.  Blog more!! Magic is growing so quickly and learning so much ...

Day two catch up

Well today has been another eventful day, and it is only the second day of the year. In my last post I talked all about magic, in this one I plan to update you on me. My health is still yo-yoing up and down at the moment I'm going through a rough patch, I spent two hours in a&e today for them to say that there is not a lot they can do for me. On Thursday I have got a hospital appointment to finally have the test done to see whether I do have Addison's disease or not. While I am really not looking forward to it I will be so glad to have an answer or just be a step closer too knowing the truth. I'm currently not doing a lot as magic takes up the majority of my time. I am loving owning a horse it really has been a dream come true and I now can't imagine my life without Magic in it. He really is teaching me a lot and we are slowly learning together, don't get me wrong there are days when I feel useless and like I really do not know what I'm doing. But everyone...

Happy New Year

Hiya everyone, First of all I would like to say a massive Happy New Year from Magic and I. Last year was filled with lots of highs and a few lows but one of my main high points this year was finally getting my own horse. I can't lie and say it hasnt been challenging because it definitely has been but it has also been extremely rewarding! Seeing those big fluffy ears first thing in a morning, and hearing that little cute noise he makes when you get to the yard make all those horrid early mornings worth it! Magic is doing really well he currently stands at 14.1hh on his withers and 14.2/14.3hh on his bum, he weighs just under 240kg and is just 7 month old he will be 8 months old on the 19th January. He's turning into a cheeky but very clever little horse. He picks up all four feet, walks quietly along the road to go out in his field, stands to be poulticed, everything I ask of him he is really happy to do. Speaking of feet since getting more turn out his stifle is a lot bet...