So todays my second day of my blog and at the moment theres nothing that interesting to say, why? Because nothing much has happened. But here goes...
Setting goals is something I always have to do, to keep motivated otherwise I start thinking well what was the point in doing that? And being a person that's got a long term illness I have to keep motivated, so todays goal was art, and design a new logo for my mums business. So far the logo's come on really well and we have thought of a few possibilities so far 10! My favourite is shown above the colour scheme is chocolate brown, lime green and Pink (the brighter the better I say!), how about you let me know what you think?
Another goal that I have been working on is losing weight as my riding school has a limit of 13 and 1/2 stone, which was great to start with but because of the tablets I am on my weight has gone up! Well thats about to change, over the past two months I have lost 1and a1/2 stone nearly 2 stone and I am still losing weight and weight 13stone11 at the moment, so I'm nearly where I am supposed to be and I want to keep going.
As for art, well my deadlines not til next week (Friday) but as per normal my art teacher has gone mad and decided that I need to do even more work, so I have three A1 sheets to do by friday! Is it possible with hardly any sleep I think it might just be, but I have to remember to revise for my other subjects as its this time of the year that causes my other subjects to take a hit, and this year that can not happen as I have just over one week til my first exam so it's safe to say I am going to be revising like mad.
Today's my day off from riding, (most people think I mean just not to ride, but I mean a day where I have nothing to do with horses) I would love to say that works, but as you can probably tell if you are horse mad with me it just doesn't work. Horses films get watched, I think more about my dream of my own horse, and I think more and more about my dressage competition on May 19th, I will take pictures to show you all!
Well thats it for now, might be back later,
Love, A girl with a dream x
So todays my second day of my blog and at the moment theres nothing that interesting to say, why? Because nothing much has happened. But here goes...
Setting goals is something I always have to do, to keep motivated otherwise I start thinking well what was the point in doing that? And being a person that's got a long term illness I have to keep motivated, so todays goal was art, and design a new logo for my mums business. So far the logo's come on really well and we have thought of a few possibilities so far 10! My favourite is shown above the colour scheme is chocolate brown, lime green and Pink (the brighter the better I say!), how about you let me know what you think?
Another goal that I have been working on is losing weight as my riding school has a limit of 13 and 1/2 stone, which was great to start with but because of the tablets I am on my weight has gone up! Well thats about to change, over the past two months I have lost 1and a1/2 stone nearly 2 stone and I am still losing weight and weight 13stone11 at the moment, so I'm nearly where I am supposed to be and I want to keep going.
As for art, well my deadlines not til next week (Friday) but as per normal my art teacher has gone mad and decided that I need to do even more work, so I have three A1 sheets to do by friday! Is it possible with hardly any sleep I think it might just be, but I have to remember to revise for my other subjects as its this time of the year that causes my other subjects to take a hit, and this year that can not happen as I have just over one week til my first exam so it's safe to say I am going to be revising like mad.
Today's my day off from riding, (most people think I mean just not to ride, but I mean a day where I have nothing to do with horses) I would love to say that works, but as you can probably tell if you are horse mad with me it just doesn't work. Horses films get watched, I think more about my dream of my own horse, and I think more and more about my dressage competition on May 19th, I will take pictures to show you all!
Well thats it for now, might be back later,
Love, A girl with a dream x
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A Girl With A Dream