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Thought I'd Give it a go.

Hey Everyone, 

Today I'm doing something a bit different, on some blogs I have seen a survey going around and thought that I would give it a go. 

Splurge or save: 

1) saddle: save! find a good saddle that is a decent price, and comfortable for both you and the horse.
2) board: Save. Find a board that is a good price, with good facilities.
3) halter: Splurge, its important that it's comfy for the horse to wear, will last a long time and looks good. I love the Halters with the sheepskin/fluffy inside lining.
4) bit:  save
5) bridle:  Splurge, a bridle that looks good, and has a bit of bling but is practical at the same time.
6) saddle pad: Save, theres lots of adoreable saddle pads, that don't cost a fortune.
7) trailer: Not saving but not splurging either a trailer that is in the middle, with good facilities but not to expensive.

First thing that comes to mind: 

1) Haflinger: gorgoeus main and tale.
2) Quarter Horse: slow and well built.
3) Thoroughbred: greet breading
4) Warmblood: a breed that you can mix with an irish draught to create an irish sport horse.
5) Welsh Cob: Adoreable

This or That:

1) english or western: English
2) tall or short: Tall, love riding the bigger horses.
3) trail ride or beach ride: Beach, love the idea of running along the sea.
4) long mane or short mane: Depends on the breed, love long flowing mains though.
5) hunters or jumpers: Jumpers, love the idea of hunting but don't think it's my thing.  
6) XC or barrel racing: Cross Country, I love the adrenaline and the speed, and the all round fun factor.
7) outdoor arena or indoor arena: Both, I love the outdoor Arena during the summer (getting a nice tan while riding) but i love the indoor arena with lights for those cold dark winter evening.
8) trot or canter: Canter
9) canter or gallop: Canter, I've never really Galloped before, but think I'm still not quite balanced for that yet.
10) paddock boots, tall boots, or cowboy boots: I love the look of cowboy boots, but I love riding in my long boots, they keep my legs nice and warm during the winter :') But not too hot in the summer.
11) horse shoes or barefoot: Gatsby is both barefoot and got horse shoe's haven't really got a preference.
12) saddle or bareback: I have never really rode bareback so for the minute I have to say Saddle
About you: 
1) How long have you been riding? Since I was 6 I'm now 17 so 11 years.
2) Do you own or lease a horse? Neither, I ride Gatsby at a riding school, he's my lesson horse but I love him to bits.
3) Breed? Age? Height? Name? (if you don’t own or lease, you could talk about your lesson horse) Gatsby: Irish Draught, 13 and 16.3hh
4) Do you have any other pets? Yep a dog that lives inside shes a shih tzu and is my mums dog, then I feed two cats that live outside.
5) If your horse was a person, what kind of voice would they have (you can use a celebrity for an example) Ermmmm not really sure, probably the friendly, gentleman kind of voice if that makes sense, not too deep and not to high kind of in the middle if that makes sense.

6) Does your horse have a “color”? If so, what is it, and what do you have in that color? He doesn't have a coulor he has a blue and pink grooming kit, and quite a few things in purple mainly rugs.
7) Does your horse do any tricks? Twists his head around to touch his shoulder, and puts his head down to the floor almost bowing for treats.
8) Have you ever dressed your horse up for Halloween?  Nope, can't say that I have.

1) Breed? Irish Draught/Irish Sports Horse.
2) Discipline? Dressage! 
3) Coat color? Love Piebald, black and chocolate brown.
4) Famous horse? Gatsby and Jake (that I ride), but then I love the horses out of films like black beauty.
5) Horse race/competition? Don't have a favourite but I love watching all horse events.
6) Brand of tack? Dont really have one
7) Thing to do with your horse?  ANYTHING! I love practicing dressage with Gatsby, grooming him, talking to him just sitting with him. Basically EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! 
Until Next Time 
A Girl With A Dream 


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A Girl With A Dream

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