Today was my big sisters birthday, so it meant that she came over for tea in the evening, this also meant that I got to see my favourite little fella in the entire world! I Love my little nephew, I say little but he is growing really quickly at the moment.
This morning I didn't have an art lesson, so washed my hair and dried it but left the majority of it looking natural, I planned to straighten it later (but I never got round to it), then I went in for textiles and English. Now for some reason I thought my laptop was fully charged so wasn't too happy to walk in to Textiles and turn my laptop on to find that it was on reserve power, so I couldn't do the work that I planned to do but then in English I got loads done. We finished the book that we have been working on and now are going to go over the historical context, as I have two weeks off for easter I have an essay to do as well as some other sheets.
This evening my sister came over, we had tea and a catch up. She found it really hard to see my nan the way that she is at the moment, especially the fact that nan keeps crying for no reason at the moment. We gave her the presents, I got her a hollow wooden Statue of a teddy bear that fits in with some of the other statues that she has got. My brother got her a pot of flowers and my mum got her this cooking set that had chilli in and all sorts of spicy things that she likes. My sister also bought me a magazine to show me a new hair dye colour that is out that I'm going to use it was a raspberry colour, so when I dye my hair for my sixth form ball it will be purple and bright pink.
Until Next Time
A Girl With A Dream.
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A Girl With A Dream