Today's post is only going to be a quick one as I am feeling quite tired and to be honest do not have the motivation levels to right something long and really detailed. Magic is doing really well he was out in the field all day today and then bought in tonight. When I bought him in I walked him around the school for a bit just to get him used to being lead, we did a little bit of trotting but mainly walk work. We also did a little bit of work on getting magic to go through puddles and we will be doing more tomorrow.
As for me I got my new toy today so tomorrow I might write a review on it. Or I might wait until I have had it for a while and got a better feel for it. So far though I really like it, I love how all the information is on the fitbit app and that I am able to check it as I go along. I also like that it really does monitor your sleep and it appears to be very accurate.
Until next time
As for me I got my new toy today so tomorrow I might write a review on it. Or I might wait until I have had it for a while and got a better feel for it. So far though I really like it, I love how all the information is on the fitbit app and that I am able to check it as I go along. I also like that it really does monitor your sleep and it appears to be very accurate.
Until next time
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A Girl With A Dream