I'm exhausted so I'm going to warn you now that today has not been such a good day. I had good news from the hospital this afternoon after my tests for Addison disease last week the results have come back clear and they know that is not the problem. However I am now being sent for Mri scans on my bile duct and gallbladder, mainly to see if there are any stones or anything like that but just to rule things out as well. I also explained about my sleep pattern at the minute and they said that they think that I could be getting something called sleep apnea, I've never heard of it before so I'll have to do some research on it in the future but basically by the sounds of it, it is when your airways narrow when your asleep and basically you stop breathing when your asleep. I then wake myself up because I know something isn't right and this is what is causing (possibly anyway) my messed up sleep pattern. So at some point I while be going to see a consultant that just specialises in sorting out sleep patterns and problems with sleeping.
I then went straight from the hospital to do magic and this is where my day went slightly wrong. I managed to fetch magic in from the field perfectly fine, he came in quietly, he wasn't stroppy or grumpy, he was just magic. I then took him up to the school like I have been doing for the last few nights and we started walking around really well, he was walking through the puddles, trotting when asked and everything. Then the next thing I know I'm lying on the floor with my mum and back stood next to me and no idea where magic is. I can't remember this happening so I can only assume that I was feeling dizzy before. Magic slowed down and went behind me and then nudged me from behind, he's done this before and I've never had a problem but for whatever reason I fell when he did this. Magic then went over the top of me some how and I ended up under his legs. I don't think that he got me at any point but I am not sure. Troy held magic for me until I had sorted myself out and then I carried on with what I was doing. We did a small amount of trot work through the puddles but after that I just didn't feel right. I then put him back in his stable and we did a little bit more work on taking his head collar off without him throwing his head about. I am really not sure what happened in the school or why it happened but I'm not going to let it effect me, yes being under the legs of a horse wasn't nice but no its not going to stop me getting where I want to.
My fitbit app is going really well by the end of the day yesterday I managed to do the 10,000 steps. Today I have managed to do roughly 8,500, I'm 200 callories away from losing the amount of calories that I need to lose today. I've had the correct amount of sleep and I'm below budget on the food that I can eat. Tomorrow will hopefully be a better day, my boyfriend is at the doctors in the morning, then it will be a quiet day I think but I don't know. But so far I have got to say I really like my fitbit bracelet, I'm finding it a great way to stay motivated and lose the weight that I want to lose. Hopefully I'll be more body confident soon.
But for now I'm off to get some sleep as I feel rubbish.
Until Next time
Amber And Magic.
I then went straight from the hospital to do magic and this is where my day went slightly wrong. I managed to fetch magic in from the field perfectly fine, he came in quietly, he wasn't stroppy or grumpy, he was just magic. I then took him up to the school like I have been doing for the last few nights and we started walking around really well, he was walking through the puddles, trotting when asked and everything. Then the next thing I know I'm lying on the floor with my mum and back stood next to me and no idea where magic is. I can't remember this happening so I can only assume that I was feeling dizzy before. Magic slowed down and went behind me and then nudged me from behind, he's done this before and I've never had a problem but for whatever reason I fell when he did this. Magic then went over the top of me some how and I ended up under his legs. I don't think that he got me at any point but I am not sure. Troy held magic for me until I had sorted myself out and then I carried on with what I was doing. We did a small amount of trot work through the puddles but after that I just didn't feel right. I then put him back in his stable and we did a little bit more work on taking his head collar off without him throwing his head about. I am really not sure what happened in the school or why it happened but I'm not going to let it effect me, yes being under the legs of a horse wasn't nice but no its not going to stop me getting where I want to.
My fitbit app is going really well by the end of the day yesterday I managed to do the 10,000 steps. Today I have managed to do roughly 8,500, I'm 200 callories away from losing the amount of calories that I need to lose today. I've had the correct amount of sleep and I'm below budget on the food that I can eat. Tomorrow will hopefully be a better day, my boyfriend is at the doctors in the morning, then it will be a quiet day I think but I don't know. But so far I have got to say I really like my fitbit bracelet, I'm finding it a great way to stay motivated and lose the weight that I want to lose. Hopefully I'll be more body confident soon.
But for now I'm off to get some sleep as I feel rubbish.
Until Next time
Amber And Magic.
Yikes that's scary! Do you think you blacked out or something?? I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. It sucks to be young, with chronic health problems that nobody can seem to figure out. I went through that (was a little bit older than you) and it was awful. I think I have mine sorted out mostly (bad diet, low thyroid, celiac disease, hormones out of whack, vitamin D/magnesium/iron deficient all basically from not digesting my food due to celiac, etc.) and I'm very thankful for any day that I actually feel healthy, because I spent so many feeling awful. I really hope the doctors can figure out what is wrong (I had to do the gallbladder thing and mine was fine) so that you can find some relief. You're in my thoughts. Hugs!