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update for you all

well things have been super busy here, Casper hasn't been very well, Magic's been lame and I've been ill. Jack had a job then lost his job, then I've been working on my own business creating personalised products so first things first. Magic. 

Magic is doing really, we are doing lots of work on him picking his feet up, he is fine with his front ones but his back ones he's still a bit off with. He's been lame in his front foot as well the opposite one to that he has an abscess in, then this time he had a 3 inch splinter in his frog, that wasn't visible to the human eye. This had developed an abscess that the farrier burst, but for over a week after he was still lame, so been poulticing his foot, keeping him on box rest but I think that ended up doing more damage than good because he freaked out being in on his own so he went back out with the rest of them. I bought him a cheap bridle yesterday for when I am getting him used to the feel.  He's coming on really well and he's growing loads, today when I went to see him he was lying down and even when I went in to the stable he still didn't get up so I think he was pretty much dead to the world. 

Now on to Casper, we had to take him to the vets about a week ago, and they put him on a rice diet, he's not allowed dog food and everything that he does eat has to be extremely bland. They did a urine sample as well and the results came back as being clear, he hasn't had blood tests. When they weighed him the first time he was 17 kilos and had lost 3/4 of a kilo since i last took him to the vets. When we took him the second time three days later he was 17.2 kilos so hopefully this means that he is finally starting to put weight on. He's stopped being sick and he's on two different tables and a syringe full of medication. So at the minute he's pretty doped up but the vets really don't have any answers what is wrong with him. 

As for me I'm getting there, I haven't been able to ride in two weeks so far because my riding instructor won't let me ride with the tablets that I am on. I was really ill at the same time as Casper was last week but I'm not really sure what was wrong with me, i'm not sure if it was a reaction to my tablets or a bug that was going around. But now that I am better I am back pushing to get my embroidery business Magic Personalisations popular, we've had one new customer since the relaunch, and I can't wait to tell you guys all about it but I think that's going to be a separate post! 

Now on to something really random has anyone else started playing the new Pokemon GO App, on their phone. It's only just been launched in the UK and to be honest I looked at it and thought it was going to be awful but it turned out to be really fun, you literally just walk around and find pokemon totally geekish but also totally fun! But anyway I'm off to get an early night as tomorrow I will be waiting for the vets to ring me to give Magic his injections.

Until Later 
Amber, Magic and Casper


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