Not got much to say today, due to the fact that unfortunately I'm ill AGAIN. I thought that i'd still post even if it wasn't the most interesting post.
So today i've had a fairly quiet today, the sun was shining and I wish that I had got the energy to go and sit in the sun but unfortunately I just didn't feel like doing it. I woke up this morning feeling sick, being sick, and being really tired. So my dad and Jack took the dogs for a walk with me, while my mum came around to try and help me sort out BT (I think that she eventually got there). I attempted to cook breakfast all though it ended up being bacon and sausage sandwiches rather than a full english breakfast like I'd planned to do for Jack.
This afternoon we went out today the jobs that we had got to do, which included paying livery for Bella and Arthur and checking on them. Although it took them a while to decide they wanted to come down from the top of the hill and stop lying in the sun, they did eventually come down and if I do say so myself I think that they are both looking fairly good at the moment.
I then went to my mum and dads to watch the grand national, my horse was so close to winning but had a knock at the last hurdle after being first for basically the entire race. It just wasn't quite Rogue Angels year this year but I still fell in love with the name. Magic enjoyed a full day out in the sun so i didn't actually see him today, but I will do tomorrow and will get you all more pictures. I'm now off to go and get food as it's about to finish being cooked.
So for that I'll leave you all to it and I'll be back tomorrow.
Until Next Time
Amber, Magic, Casper and Diesel
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A Girl With A Dream